Yada yada

Warning! Explicit content.

Parental Guidance is advised. PG 16 sota!

Ever since I read Baloney by Bikozulu, oh! huge fun of the guy. This is I think the third dream now, the others I'd forget the details before I even woke up, so I had to put this down before I forget. These weird and strange dreams.

How weird? Stick around.

How strange! You tell me..

So today being a Saturday, I like to sleep in a bit from my normal routine. Last night, I was so tired and sleepy and so I went to bed earlier than usual, at around 9ish.

At 4 o'clock, I woke up to use the bathroom, yada yada, scratch my balls, and went back to bed. But then I couldn't get myself to sleep. So, I woke up went to the sitting room, and watched some YouTube. I love DIY content, documentaries, and some Trucking Vlogs. I love logistics, the headache, the pressures. They can give you an orgasm. Let's not digress.

So at 6 am now I was feeling a bit sleepy. So went back to bed and set my alarm for 8 o'clock as usual. In the two hours that I slept, it felt like a lifetime.

I had this dream.


I am married to this woman, and we had a kid. That woman for some reason I couldn't see her face, but from her body, she resembled an ex. The child I didn't see but there was a child in the picture. The gender of the child I didn't know.

I was not happy in this marriage in my dream, okay? And I wanted an end to it. So my 'dream' wife called a committee of women to come and try to patch things up. I didn't know why she choose only women, but I was the only man in my dream. Rather in the committee. Huh!

One thing was strange, I wanted out because I had another lover. Is that strange?

There was this lady, a creature straight from heaven. She was beautiful, sexy, and an ass to die for, of course, she's was. She's my dream girl. My mind knows my type.

Am I making sense so far?

So, what was strange was that. Instead of this committee of women to patch things up, they were okay with me leaving the marriage BUT they had another woman of their preference!?

Hold up! You women are okay with me jumping from one thing to another but won't let me decide on my own? Are you women for real? Of course you're not I'm in a dream.

The chairlady of the committee was my mom. I didn't know how or why? Not only her, but some of the members of the committee were also familiar faces, I saw Purity yes you! She's been bugging me to write her on my blog. Another lady who was there is a wife of a cousin of mine, I'll not mention who. Those are the only faces I recall.

So, on this fateful committee meeting day was my birthday. My guilt of leaving the relationship was too much I couldn't look my wife in the face, probably why I can't recall her face. She was disappointed by her board of women, I didn't hear her speak the whole time.

This other lady that the committee recommended, was an ex to the same cousin whose wife was in attendance probably why she was on the committee to get rid of her competition. By now, you who know me personally must have figured out which cousin am talking about here. Sorry for mentioning you, I didn't choose you people in my dream.

So I thought it wise to introduce 'her', by her I mean my dream girl to them since they were all gathered.

I called her, and she knew today, "the day of these events in my head", was my birthday, and being the Lady she is, she even came with a birthday present. I hadn't informed her of whatever was going on..

When she arrived, in a short sexy mini-dress and lingerie that was sexier than the dress, Eiii! Weeeuuwe!? Hidden inside her brown trench coat and some brown or goldish, red bottom heels. She was stunning, her perfume.. oh my god!

She came with a designer drink by Olivier Giroud the football player, I remember looking at the label on the bottle written Olivier Giroud with the Manchester United logo. Funny, because he doesn't have a drink that I'm aware of? Or is there? The drink had a bluish color companion "chaser" that looked like some hand washing soap. I made a personal decision to stop drinking alcohol in real life, and I in my dream knew that. So I took very little of it.

She was mad and disappointed, to find the committee. She clearly had other nasty plans of her own. When she knocked, I went for the door and when I opened it, she'd unbuttoned her coat and I was blessed with the view for a second before she saw other women inside the house.

How am I doing so far?

She was angry, and disappointed and dropped the gifts on me. She wanted to leave immediately but I pleaded with her to stay for a second.

I made the introduction. The committee went mad, for reasons I don't know. I didn't care, normally I would but damn.

After much discussion, the committee gave me an ultimatum. To make my decision before the day ends. I was stressed, so I opened my birthday bottle. I was sharing it with some strangers.

I didn't take more than one glass but boy I was wasted. The location of this whole event was in a coastal town because I left the boys-strangers [I didn't know any of them] enjoying their drinks and went for a walk by a harbor that had no protective rail guards.  I remember I almost fell into the water since was staggering on the narrow pathway. I knew in me, if I fell, in the water in my current state there was no way I'm going to help myself out. I know how to swim but I was wasted.

The committee was still waiting for my verdict. So I walked back. One of the guys that we were enjoying my drink with, looked at me and I looked at him. I felt judgement in his eyes, it was like he knew the verdict I was going to give. I bursted out at him in anger and with insults. In reality, I don't do this. I'm a nice one! Or so I'm told.

Of course, I wasn't going to marry that lady of theirs and leave the love of my life, the girl of my dreams. I informed them of my decision and they walked out one by one, talking shit about how I'll regret it, and a whole other bunch of issues I can't remember. But there was a lot of judgement in the room. I had my tumbler of blue drink at hand. My dream girl was now among them during the verdict. I had made enmity with all of them except her.

We were left just the two of us in the house now, my dream girl and I, but the whole episode had been a mood kill, her "juice" had gone back to her uterus. I on the other hand felt a huge weight on my holders and couldn't get my shlong to raise to the occasion.

This whole episode took place in one long dream day and less than two hours of normal time. My alarm went off, but I quickly switched it off, I couldn't get my head off the pillow. I felt drunk now in reality, so I woke up at quarter to nine. And still felt hangover, some mild headache, like someone who had spent the last night drinking. I was getting late for work, I dashed out.


You be the judge, how strange or weird do you find my dream?


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