The "Perfect" Fruit

Hello good people. It's your girl Sally here, how’s the going?

I know the blog was closed, but I thought I would pen down a little something, as we get to the tail end of tweri tweri two… It’s been a great year, full of revelations and new beginnings, I can’t wait for 2023.

Let’s talk about marriage; this is one institution that is getting watered down by the minute, the younger generation does not even know, recognize or understand marriage anymore.

What is Marriage?

Marriage is an institution that was created by God in the very beginning to be between man and wife for the purpose of worship, companionship, destiny, and propagation of the human race. I will address only one of those aspects namely; Destinies.

What is Destiny?

For those who do not know me, I am born again. Jesus is my eternal savior, so I will write this mostly from a spiritual perspective.

Destiny simply put, is what God had in mind when He was creating each one of us. The core of His blueprint for every individual human being; (the thing that determines your skin color, height, race, nationality, parents, and gender.) Each one of us has a very clear and specific destiny that is meant to serve us, as well as be a solution to the rest of mankind.

Our destinies are intertwined.

When it comes to marriage, two people; a man and a woman come together to become one in a holy union. When this happens spiritually their destinies become intertwined. i.e. the destiny of the wife will be realized by the husband also realizing his own. When the hubby supports his wife in realizing her destiny, his destiny also gets realized in the process. The destiny of their children are also hidden in both of them. When they realize their destinies... It becomes way easy for their children to get into the right "lanes" and realize their own.

When I speak of destiny, this does not mean someone has realized their destiny because they are a successful doctor, engineer, businessman, or politician, No!

Destiny starts with the creator himself. One must begin by creating a relationship with God who in turn reveals what his intention for creating one was. Most of the time the fallen humanism in us works against our destinies by highlighting the very opposite of what we are meant to be. For instance, most shy introverts were created to work in public spaces with people. The enemy may use their weakness by keeping them from stepping into their destined public platforms. Allow me to elaborate a bit further, we have these things we call phobias, fears, "me I can't do this", "me I don't that". These little imps will cost one their destiny. For instance, someone who has a phobia of water, who knows if this person was the next greatest swimmer or oceanographer, discovering some fungus to cure some unpronounceable illnesses or come up with some amazing makeup or supplement? We take these fears, and phobias own then, wear them tightly around our chest like a suicide bomb reflector vest. Don't allow the enemy to stop you from becoming your optimum self. Not every fear or phobia is real!

Let’s talk about a married couple now. When they say I do, they start a joint and individual journey towards their destinies and those of their children as well. Now, the enemy knows that too and he realizes these two people are more powerful together and may actually realize their destinies if let be, so he uses the oldest trick in the book; divide and conquer.

He convinces the man, the beautiful ones are not yet born while highlighting every negative aspect of the wife. He falls for this trap which is also known as side chicks. Once the wife realizes this, the spiritual connection is broken. The man highlights every type of flaw he can think of in his wife who is the one whose destiny and that of his children are hidden in. This beautiful perfect side chick has nothing for this man as they share no spiritual connection, she is just a snare to make sure this couple, this family never becomes what God intended them to be.

Imagine this… here is a man and a woman with three kids. These are five individuals, each one carries a unique destiny that has a solution to these troublesome issues we face in the world may be a cure for cancer, or diabetes, a solution to global warming, environmental pollution, and some inoperable tumors just to name a few. Think of any of those things that are still an enigma to mankind. There is a solution hidden in someone, somewhere in this world.

This man gets so entrenched in this demonic trap, from one woman to the next, and gets to a point whereby he doesn’t care if the wife knows or not, after all, isn’t he providing the rent, food, and fees?

He is his own man. He deserves to enjoy his creature comforts. This side chick is so smart, chumming, beautiful, and talented, heck she's "perfect".

Unknowingly, he is slowly killing his own destiny, his wives, and of his offspring. The more beauties he engages with, the faster and deeper his connection to his wife gets severed because sex creates a union/covenant between two people. So when one defiles oneself with so many counterfeit connections out there, the true connection gets severed somewhere along the way.

These adulterous affairs taking place all over are not just games and fun, the enemy will convince one it's harmless, fun but he knows what they are costing the individuals. By the time he gets tired of this lifestyle and decides to concentrate on his family, the ramifications of his actions cannot be undone except by God’s grace. The fragile trust and connection they once had as a couple is completely damaged and so is their destinies.

To the born-again wives, stand in your office as a wife and a mother, and no matter what the enemy does do not let him steal your destiny, and that of your family. Do not let the enemy accomplish his agenda through that strange woman. If your husband fails as the gatekeeper in your family take over and stand strong.

To the husbands, anytime you are having fun and pleasure in the wrong things, know that the enemy isn’t there to entertain you. If he is allowing you that little pleasure it’s because he is stealing your whole spiritual, physical, and material inheritance from you and your children. Protect your family and your destiny. That great-grandmother of a side chick stole your great-grandfather's inheritance too. It’s a vicious cycle, break it for your sake and your scion's.

Make the right choices this festive season and in 2023 people. Have yourselves a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, See you all in 2023.



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