Biblical Boots - Esther
It's been a minute since we heard from Sally. She'd promised us something about Esther the last time we talked, she took her precious time. She's one gifted writer but lacks the zeal to. It is my understanding that this is her last piece on our blog unless it's not. Frankly, I'm going to miss this segment. She may or may not start her blog, but let's wait and see.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is SallyDinah for you..
(Esther 1-2:18) “Exciting times in Citadel of Susa!” Esther quipped. Debs (Deborah) had arrived early, excited and full of palace gossip… she is the self-appointed official palace press because her second cousin’s wife’s brother-in-law is one of the royal gardeners… that was close enough.
“Essie it is the party is the biggest the world has ever seen, princes, ministers, dignitaries have come from as far as India, the food! drinks! Everything in the party is just to die for” Debs said deliriously with the unabashed excitement that was tangible all around the city.
As I feigned undivided attention in the palace gossip which I thought had very little to do with us, Deborah who was now beside herself lowered her voice to a whisper to mark the purpose of her annoyingly early surprise visit “King Xerxes sent for queen Vashti to show her off to the guests. You know how men are with their trophies.” She says rolling her eyes “and guess what the queen said Essie?” she asks pausing for effect, “Oh! Hell No! Tell him I am not a toy to amuse his drunken friends with… does he know how many kings and Princes were dying to marry me!? I am Vashti. Queen Vashti not one of his Harlem side chicks!”
Ok! This was getting interesting. Drama in the palace… I’ll bite… I sat up now with actual interest which encouraged Deborah to continue, ”the king was so mad.. imagine the embarrassment, after some discussions with his nobles the queen has been sent parking.. and and and...” I thought she would faint with excitement.. "a declaration has just been sent from the palace that the king is choosing another queen from the virgins of the realm! He has appointed commissioners in every province of his realm to bring all these beautiful young women into the harem at the citadel of Susa to be placed under Hegai, the king’s eunuch".
“Essie we are going to the palace... I need to go and prepare for this exciting journey… what a day gal!” with that, she left the same way she had arrived; without notice.
“What are the criteria for choosing the virgins?” I asked... ”they said all virgins…Esther.. all virgins! We are going to the palace… and I Deborah will definitely and truly be the next queen…my cousin’s in-law says he can talk to Hegai!”
Esther lay on her bed that night deep in thought… her cousin Mordecai had confirmed Debs’ news... and he was not one to engage in baseless gossip and she was one of the virgins chosen to go to Hegai’s. The palace was this place... this world that was so far off from their own... they said it had marble floors, silk curtains, rare never seen Persian rugs everything was made of rare redwood or the finest gold. She was a poor Hebrew orphan, what had she to do with this world of opulence? She had only seen the palace, what would it be like to go and live there for a whole year... there will be virgins from renowned families, beautiful, well-bred with godfathers... she did not stand a chance in this contest or whatever it was. She slept restlessly that night with trepidation of what awaited her in the morning beyond the comfort and safety of her home.
When morning came her cousin woke her up early, sat her down with a grave face warned her, ”my cousin Hadassah (only close relatives knew her by this name) as I told you about the king’s declaration, I will be escorting you to the palace this morning. Take heed, do not disclose to these people who you are and who your people are, keep to yourself, do as you are directed by Hegai and our God, the God of our fathers who never fails His own will see you thru according to His will.”
As Esther waved her cousin off at the palace gate she wished she shared half of Deb’s excitement, but all she felt was fear, doubt, and anxiety.
“I should have married that water boy Joey who had asked for her hand in marriage so often, then she wouldn’t be among these virgins. Joey is so rough and such a big talker, how can one live with the oaf!”
Hegai looked at the girls as they arrived, he felt compassion for this one they called Esther; she was ready to cry and she looked so forlorn, unlike these entitled rich girls. He assured her cousin he would look after her. He offered her the best place to sleep with her friend away from the rich brats and the treatment he knew would work best with her skin and her color. She never wanted more than what he gave or did more than he directed… ooh! How he loved her!
When the turn came for Esther to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her.
When she came into the King’s presence, although Hegai had encouraged her so much, she still was ready to faint, “what a powerful, wealthy, good-looking man this king is! How did she a poor Hebrew girl end up here, in the palace before this king who ruled from India to Cush?”
He was quiet and she could not bring herself to look up, suddenly he stood up and Esther thought, ”he is already leaving from boredom.”
Suddenly he was standing before her with a crown in his hands which he was placing on her head! (So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.)
This short write-up is meant to put you, the reader in Esther’s boots rather her stilettos. when God has destined you for a particular blessing, you will feel inadequate, doubt at times even fear… this does not mean God isn’t with you or you aren’t ready; it means that we as men will always be inadequate for what God calls us to do. It is the adequacy, grace, favor, power, and presence of God that helps us accomplish His will. And frankly, if I may tell you this; the Holy Spirit loves putting us in situations that are beyond us, our qualifications, levels, expectations, etc. so that we can call on Him and rely on Him every moment of our lives!
The takeaway is never judge God according to your feelings and emotions…just obey as the situation dictates, and He will do the rest.
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