A Luta Continua!
Hello Lt?
I know I'm supposed to do a second piece for the month, but I am currently not in the best headspace right now.
Uuuum! I have a lot right now that I am juggling in my life, affecting my concentration and creativity. I'm re-evaluating my life decisions, I'm thinking of a change and I have to consider a ton of variables.
Allow me to vent here...
I'm about to make some serious changes and venture into a space I am unfamiliar with. Not even in the slightest, and this discussion may make or break me. I feel a shiver down my spine, given the unfamiliarity but still, I want to walk into the unknown because who knows what's waiting on the other side?
This that I know, isn't working out. I've tried, I've pushed, but this thing has no wheels and the ground is friction resistant. It ain't moving. It is just endless disappointments and frustrations. I need a breather but can't seem to find one.
It's a lot.
Haaaa! I'm writing this and am going to post this because I will use it as a reference point at a later date. Maybe I will look back and regret or I'll look back and wonder why the hell I waited so long.
But si ni life?
I always consider myself to be adventurous and courageous. But the truth is maybe I have never had a test of my courage and sense of adventure or risk-taking.
Sometimes I listen to motivational speakers and they fill you with courage and inspiring stories, on how to be courageous and not give up. But, I recently found myself asking myself these questions.
How does one maintain?
How to keep the fire burning?
How to not give up?
I mean, giving up is easy. You don't need to do anything. You just stop, quit or silently leave the space. No one will know, or maybe only a few will know, but so what? That is so freaking easy.
I will not even share this link as I usually do but a few people will get it in their inboxes, the subscribers of course.
You, people, are amazing and thank you so much for your love and support. All the 22 of you. Ces Nzioka is our most recent subscriber, followed by Black Star Tales. Thank you so much, you boys and girls.
No one said life was gonna be easy, so we will deal with it a day at a time as it comes.
I read somewhere, "When life throws stones at you, use them to build a foundation."
Maybe we should buy the land first before anything else?
Before I forget, my apologies in advance if this article breaks your spirits. Writing and Lt [Let's talk] is what I've got. Even if I do it for free, it's my escape.
I have something lined up for you guy, I will be meeting up with the author of Sunset Saga who goes by Prodigital, and maybe a link to his page prodigitaladdress.blogspot.com. He promised to tell me why he thinks Craig Crist-Evans is a bastard. Something interesting is coming up so stick around for that. I will see you in the next one. Peace, A luta continua!
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